👋 Hey there,
It’s Harsh Vardhan.

I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer and Indie Game Developer. I specialize in creating awesome web apps, mobile apps, and games on cloud platforms. Whether you need a professional website or a cutting-edge mobile app, I've got you covered. And when I'm not busy creating amazing tech solutions, you can find me developing my own games and reading Manga. Because let's face it, there's nothing quite like the thrill of building something from scratch and losing yourself in a good story. So, if you need a tech expert who can also geek out about games and books, hit me up!



I create robust and intuitive Android apps, leveraging Java to deliver engaging user experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

Next JS

With my Next.js expertise, I build high-performance web applications that are both fast and easy to use, delivering the best possible user experience


As a Bootstrap pro, I craft visually stunning web pages with ease, utilizing responsive design and streamlined development to deliver top-notch results every time.

React / React Native

With my React and React Native expertise, I build high-performance web applications as well as mobile applications that are both fast and easy to use, delivering the best possible user experience

Javascript (JS)

As a JavaScript aficionado, I'm your go-to expert for all things web, from dynamic, interactive front-end designs to powerful, responsive back-end functionality, and everything in between.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

I'm an AWS expert, architecting and building scalable web apps that handle heavy traffic without breaking a sweat.


As a UI/UX researcher and designer, I utilize Figma's powerful tools and features to create stunning, user-centered designs, conducting research and testing to ensure that every product is optimized for success.


As a Bash expert, I write powerful shell scripts that automate tasks and streamline workflows, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity.


With my deep understanding of MySQL, I create efficient, scalable databases and deliver seamless integrations, allowing you to confidently store, manage, and access your data with ease.


I'm a Ruby wizard, using my expertise to streamline workflows and develop custom solutions for everything from data scraping to web development.


As a skilled MongoDB developer, I'm able to design and implement robust NoSQL databases, tailor-made to meet your unique data storage and retrieval needs.


As a GitHub expert, I leverage this powerful platform to streamline collaboration, manage version control, and enhance development workflows


As a CSS pro, I bring web pages to life with stunning visuals and smooth interactions, using my expertise in layout, styling, and responsiveness to make every site shine.


As an HTML whiz, I excel at creating beautiful, functional web pages for small-scale projects, using this fundamental technology to deliver streamlined solutions that make an impact.


As a Java master, I wield this versatile language to create custom Minecraft mods, tackle the challenges of competitive programming, and develop robust, user-friendly apps that meet the needs of any project.


As a Unity master, I develop stunning games and immersive experiences that transport players to other worlds, delivering an unforgettable gaming experience


As a seasoned competitive programmer, I've honed my skills in C and C++, crafting efficient algorithms and problem-solving with ease to tackle even the most complex programming challenges.


With my mastery of Python, I'm able to build everything from web applications to machine learning models. I use this versatile language to streamline your workflows and deliver custom solutions, all while keeping your project on-time and under-budget.

C# (C Sharp)

As a Unity game developer, I leverage the power of C# to create immersive gaming experiences, from scripting and mechanics to UI and more, delivering games that captivate and entertain players.


As an Express master, I build fast, scalable web applications with ease, utilizing this powerful Node.js framework to create dynamic server-side solutions that deliver results.

And much more! This is just the tip of the ice-berg!


Full Stack Development

As a skilled Full Stack Developer, I offer end-to-end web development services that involve creating a seamless user experience from the front-end to the back-end. I specialize in using cutting-edge technologies such as React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and MySQL to create scalable and robust web applications. Whether you need a new web application built from scratch or require modifications to an existing one, I can provide you with a high-quality, customized solution that meets your needs.

Mobile App Development

In today's digital world, mobile apps are essential for businesses to stay connected with their customers. As an expert mobile app developer, I specialize in creating feature-rich, user-friendly mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms. I use the latest technologies such as Java, and React Native to develop custom mobile apps that meet your specific needs. Whether you're looking to create a mobile app for your business or need a personalized app for your unique requirements, I can deliver high-quality, scalable, and cost-effective solutions.

Game Development

I'm an experienced game developer with a passion for creating engaging, immersive games across a wide range of genres. From action-packed shooters to puzzle games and simulations, I have the skills and expertise to turn your ideas into reality. I'm proficient in Unity, Unreal Engine, and other game engines and have a solid understanding of game design principles, 3D modeling, animation, and scripting. Whether you need a mobile game, PC game, or console game developed, I can create something that will captivate and entertain your audience.

Student Projects Development

As a mentor and guide, I have always been passionate about helping students develop their programming skills and complete their projects successfully. I offer a range of development services to students at a discounted rate, including project planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. Whether you're working on a school project or developing an app for your portfolio, I can provide you with the support and guidance you need to bring your ideas to life. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you achieve your goals.


Stock Charitra

Amazing Work

Rahul K.

Enthusiastic and Got the job done!

Ryan V.

Tandule Harsh V is great to work with. Fast and efficient.

Morten C.

Harsh did a really good and pro job. Perfect understanding, language and communication!



Autonomous student grading solution with improvement suggestions based on blooms taxonomy
BootstrapJavascript (JS)GithubSQLHTMLCSSExpress

GRAPHIA Know Your Graphs

You are shown a graph highlight along with a hint. You have to guess the graph. it will also teach you about the graphical techniques that can help you figure out the function just by looking at the graph! how amazing is that!
AndroidC# (C Sharp)Unity

Gradianto - JetBrains IDE Nature Schemes_

Gradianto aims to be easy on the eyes while being colorful and bright. Gradianto ships with the gradients found in nature. There is something for everyone.


Perfect jump detection Minecraft

Sat Jan 02 2016
Using Minecraft commands to detect jumps is fairly inaccurate, However, here is a method to perfectly detect the number of times a play has jumped Minecraft


IEEEXtreme 12.0

Scored a Global rank of 553 solo in a team contest of over 9500 participants!


Successfully completed a 9 month internship program at Reppify during which I've worked and implemented various NLP models, created Angular based frontend design and upgraded legacy code


Successfully completed a part time 6 Months internship at GeeksForGeeks as a Technical Content Writer

Architecting with Google Compute Engine

Successfully completed "Architecting with Google Compute Engine" Coursera specialization in which I've explored and deployed solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services using Google Cloud Platform, with a focus on Compute Engine

IBM AI Engineering

Successfully completed "IBM AI Engineering" Coursera specialization in which I've implemented various ML models such as Regression, Classification and Clustering using SciPy and ScikitLearn, Neural Networks and CNNs using PyTorch, Keras and Tenserflow libraries.


I'm always open to discuss product development work

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